A city guide to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Follow the river around the city past outdoor cafes, elaborate bridges and expansive city parks for a spring city get-away.

How to get there: Plane or Car How long to spend there: 2 Days

|Triple Bridge & Dragon Bridge

It may sound like a ploy to get you to march around the city, but you have got to see these bridges. Every city boasts about this and that bridge, but Ljubljana actually has cause to.

Most famous first, ‘The Triple Bridge’ unites the medieval town and the modern city centre with three zigzagging footpaths over the river.

The other famous bridge is the Dragon Bridge so called for the 4 dragons that stand at either end and their 16 baby dragons hiding elsewhere on the crossway. Local lore says that if a virgin crosses the bridge the dragons wag their tales. Strange that a dragon should be Ljubljana’s emblem then.

|Prešeren Square

The Triple Bridge opens onto Prešeren Square, which is easily photogenic. In particular the orange facade of the baroque Franciscan Church and Hauptmann House which has mosaics all the way up to the roof.


Metalkova was definitely unexpected, but a fantastic surprise. It’s become known as Slovenia’s second second capital city. A centre of art and counter-culture in an abandoned army barracks. When it comes alive at night with bars and exhibitions pulling you into this creative illegal squat, you will be reminded of Berlin. If you love wacky installations, street art, unusual urban spaces or just something different, make sure you visit this countercultural hotbed.


For a slightly more mainstream experience visit the city’s Museum of Modern Art.

|Locksmith Street

You will have to keep your eyes on the ground to find it. The street is lined with a gulley filled with over 700 contorted bronze faces. If they were any larger they would be terrifying, especially considering the sculptures you will meet at the end of the narrow street.

|Art Nouveau

Ljubljana is 1 of 22 European cities that belong to the International Réseau Art Nouveau Network (RANN). The city’s best Art Nouveau pieces are Vurnik House (below on right), embellished in Slovenian style mosaics (didn’t know how beautiful those could be). The other three are, Smielowsky House (below on left) and Centromerkur department store and the houses surrounding Misklošičev Park (look out for turrets).

|Gardens & Parks:

|Knights of Cross Street

Knights of Cross Street has become a favourite spot amongst locals and photographers since its revival as part of greening the city. Now it seems that every resident on this street is trying to outdo their neighbours by growing the most plants. It has turned this medieval street into an unexpected botanical garden.

|Tivoli & Zvezda City Parks

Tivoli City Park is the largest park in the capital and far more ornate, offering grand greenhouses and rose gardens. Zvezda on the other hand, is a central square park with treelined diagonal promenades.

|Špica Park

Personally, I think Špica Park is the most special of them all. This small green oasis sits between the diverging rivers, opposite the botanical gardens and has a beautiful cafe in the grounds.

|Botanical Gardens

The botanical gardens in Ljubljana are the oldest in Europe and are more than worth a visit.

|The Central Market

The central market is half garden, half street food treats. Not a bad place to spend a lazy afternoon soaking in city life.

|Mount St. Mary

Lastly, don’t forget about the biggest green space in the entire city, Mount St. Mary, the mountain in the middle of the city. Climb up to the top for an incredible panoramic view of this green city.

|Bars & Cafes:

|Daktari Club

More of an underground bar than a club in the modern sense, this is the perfect place for a coy drink if you feel the need to snuggle into one of the corner bookshelves or candlelit windows. Make yourself at home and enjoy the warming atmosphere.

|Čin Čin

Čin Čin has taken up residence in a former tobacco factory which has given it this hipster warehouse vibe, not to mention the electric furniture and garden full of umbrellas and benches. Now one of the most instagrammed bars in Slovenia, you should make this gorgeous bar your spot for at least one night.

|Povodni Mož

It’s difficult to think of a more perfect riverside bar than this one. This gem has a relaxed outdoor vibe. To make the most of it take a seat in the ivy covered wrap-around terrace suspended over the canal. Come here to sketch, read a book or just watch the world go by.


The only riverside cafe with a chance of beating Povodni Mož is Makalonca. Make sure to take a stroll along the length of the river to experience Ljubljana’s heart and the many tempting riverside cafes.

|Sax Pub

The best way to describe Sax Pub & Hostel is that it looks like a Slovenian country cottage in the middle of the city covered in graffiti. This great little pub is in a quieter area of the city frequented by locals. You can find it at the end of a treelined canal if you follow the sound of jazz music wafting out of the open door. Just opposite the pub is one of the leafiest and green canals in the city, take your beer for a walk and sit on the canal steps under the willow trees.

|Pritličje Bar

Pritličje Bar is parked in the centre of the city making it a perfect pit stop amidst your exploration of the city. It’s hard to say just what this place is, whether it’s a comic book shop, a cafe, a bar, a music studio or something else entirely. All I know is it is quirky, has a long list of drinks and has a little bit of something to entertain everybody.


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