DINKY DOORS OF CAMBRIDGE (photos & map included!)

The team at Dinky Doors in Cambridge have gone to a rewarding amount of effort to bring their Dinky Doors into the public realm. The secret members scout out Dinky Door locations around the city and bring them to our goldfish-like attention span. Their aim? To introduce a dinky sized taste of unexpected joy in to our daily grind and remind us forgetful creatures of the creativity and good everyone has spare. So spread the word and support the Dinky Door team and their fantastical creations!

1 Fantasy Portal No More

It may glow in the dark but since it can’t shout no one has been able to find Dinky Door number 1 since it was kidnapped!

2 The Reality Checkpoint

Measuring reality all the way from feisty to splendid, the reality checkpoint awaits your updates on Cambridge’s reality levels.

Nearby: Check out the gorgeous Orchard Street for a dose of wisteria and Hobbit sized cottages.

3 Teleport-O-Matic

At 3p per 3 yards I won’t be using this to get back home from Cambridge but that doesn’t stop me falling in love with this Teleport-O-Matic invention hiding between these four telephone boxes.

Nearby: St Edwards Passage for a bite at Indigo Cafe and a delve into G. David Bookshop.

4 10 1/4 Downing Street

Flubber has taken over Dinky Downing Street! Can you find 10 and a quarter Downing Street hiding opposite the Zoology Museum?

5 The Emailerator

Neighbour to Cambridge’s punk rock post box is The Emailerator, at your service! If you whip open the door stealthily enough you may be able to snatch a glance at a Dinky Door operator, or at least his latest works!

6 The Wonder Emporium

Shop for some nik-naks at Dinky Door’s Wonder Emporium, seller of all lost and misplaced items. Be warned, thieves will be added to Santa’s naughty list!

7 Love From Above

A love story between Angela and Mr D. Mon, a forbidden love curated by Dinky Doors.

Nearby: Opposite Newton’s apple tree and All Saints Art and Craft Market.

8 Ride and Park

Feeling a bit lazy? Use the only town centre ride and park in Cambridge to explore the green spaces along the river, home to the city’s cows. Test the ramp doesn’t need oiling before you get stranded halfway up on the way to your next Dinky destination!

9 The Dinky Flying Object (DFO)

The SUPREME leader has landed outside the Museum of Technology! For all that high flying tech he still needs a ladder and string to get a leg (?) down. But I’m just glad to know he made it out safe after that collision! Check out that personalised number plate wedged between the bricks and see if you can’t grab a copy of that DFO travel guide to Earth!

Nearby: OtherSyde pub and Kerb Collective caffe.

[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1dqS7b4CLruacp1c1_yPwcULFbLO7YmD1&w=640&h=480]

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