What I learnt from Northbound and Down…

  • Must visit Lake O’Hara in Canada
  • ‘I joked that a year in South America didn’t help him sort out his life plan very much’ “Oh no, I’m deeply aware of this” he replied. “but failing the possibility to write the next great American novel, what’s the alternative? If I go on any more holidays society won’t let me back in”
  • if you want to visit the extravagance of California, visit Hearst Castle. Hearst was an art collector whose interests resulted in his home sheltering 100 antique church ceilings shipped from Europe!
  • ‘Bear don’t care’ – Bears on the roadside in Alaska and Canada didn’t seemed too fussed about passing cyclists!
  • “I always through jobs were for people who didn’t have bikes, or surfboards, or climbing gear, or anything”

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